Week St. Mary Parish Council

All the information at your finger tips

Week St. Mary is a small village in north Cornwall with a thriving community - read more on the village web site!

Week St Mary Parish Council
Supporting  Documentation
and Forms

Parish Notices (4)

Public Toilets

It has come to the parish council’s attention that there are ongoing incidents of anti-social behaviour in the village toilets that is unacceptable!

This includes toilet roll paper being strewn everywhere, rubbish being put behind the toilet, damage to the lock and the toilet flush, banging of doors and even faeces on the floor.

Jamie Sachs, who maintains our toilets, does a fantastic job, and he should not have to deal with unnecessary incidents such as these.

Week St Mary Parish Council is keen to keep the toilets open, but we urge people to not abuse the facility, otherwise further action will have to be taken. 

Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is a strong-growing, clump-forming perennial, with tall, dense annual stems. Stem growth is renewed each year from the stout, deeply-penetrating creeping underground stems.

New legislation:

An amendment to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 includes Japanese knotweed and other invasive non-native plants. 


Hedgehogs are in trouble. Numbers in the UK have fallen from 36 million in the 1950s to less than a million today. It is feared that hedgehogs could become extinct in less than a decade.


Living in a village means many of us need a car to access work, shops, college, etc. Parking is, and has been for some time, a problem, particularly at this time of year when a large volume of agricultural equipment is being moved through the village.

The Parish Council are appealing to all car owners who have off-street parking to use this whenever possible.

This will allow those without this facility to use the limited on street parking and ensure that agricultural machinery and lorries can drive through the village without difficulty.  Thank you for your co-operation and also thanks to all those who already use their off-street parking.   
Week St. Mary Parish Council

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated 2006-2019