Week St. Mary Parish Council

All the information at your finger tips ~ Meetings normally held at the Methodist Sunday School, 7.30pm

Council Meetings 2024

Date MeetingAgendaMinutes
Wednesday 10th January 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Thursday 1st February 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Friday 9th February 2024 (8pm)Meeting CANCELLEDAgendaMinutes
Thursday 7th March 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Thursday 4th April 2024Ordinary Council Meeting (7pm)AgendaMinutes
Thursday 4th April 2024Annual Parish Meeting (7.30pm)AgendaMinutes
Thursday 2nd May 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Thursday 6th June 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Wednesday 3rd July 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Thursday 1st August 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes
Thursday 5th September 2024Ordinary Council MeetingAgendaMinutes

Annual Parish Meeting Reports • 4th April 2024

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated 2006-2019